South America

Argentina: Locro

Cooking Time: 3 hours
I had many ideas for what I might make from Argentina. I considered empanadas, such a delicious classic with a wide variety of fillings to choose from. And thought about making alfajores, a traditional sandwich cookie filled with dulce de leche. But ultimately I landed on locro: A thick, hearty stew comprised...

Peru: Lomo Saltado

Cooking Time: 60 minutes + 30 for fries to soak
If we could make some sort of deal to swap Valentine’s Day for a second Halloween, I would most definitely be on board. I think I liked the holiday back in the day when it was just another excuse to craft and get too much candy from my grandparents. Us...

Bolivia: Salteñas

Salteñas originated in the city of Tarija, but are now sold by street vendors all throughout Bolivia – often as a mid-morning snack.  Legend has it that the recipe originated with Juana Manuela Gorriti, an Argentinian woman who later married Bolivian President Manuel Isidoro Belzu. Gorriti grew up very poor,...

Colombia: Ajiaco

Cooking Time: 1 hour
Even though our Colombia trip was in the “foodie era”, I don’t have really vivid memories of what we ate.  I remember some of the best meals being those that Blanca prepared during our trek through the jungle, but I’m sure my hunger from a long day of hiking had...