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Ingredient: butter

Russia: Pashka

Cooking Time: 30 minutes + at least 8 hours to chill
So, I was trying to decide what to make for Easter, and I started seeing all sorts of Facebook ads persuading me to make Paskha – a Russian Easter dessert typical across many Eastern Orthodox countries. It’s traditionally made during Holy Week using foods forbidden during Lent (dairy, eggs), and then brought to...

Hungary: Chicken Paprikash

Cooking Time: 1 hour
Some of my favorite gifts from abroad are those I can use in my kitchen. Cookbooks, herbs, spices – they allow me to experience a part of your trip by recreating the meals you enjoyed during your travels right at home. When a wonderful colleague brought me this Hungarian paprika...

Finland: Porkkanalaatikko

How appropriate that Finland is where we’re Finnishing the year (see what I did there?). If I counted correctly, this was the 83rd country I’ve cooked from in 2017, which while far short of the 195 I set out to visit, is still nothing to sneeze at. Porkkanalaatikko translates roughly...

Marshmallow Creme Stuffed Chocolate Chip Cornflake Cookies

Cooking Time: 1 hour + 1 hour to chill
Do you ever find yourself at 10:30pm – having already made two batches of cookies, personally addressed nearly a hundred Christmas cards, wrapped close to 30 presents, and run about a dozen last minute errands – thinking, “maybe I should make just one more batch of cookies.” No? That’s because...

Bolivia: Salteñas

Salteñas originated in the city of Tarija, but are now sold by street vendors all throughout Bolivia – often as a mid-morning snack.  Legend has it that the recipe originated with Juana Manuela Gorriti, an Argentinian woman who later married Bolivian President Manuel Isidoro Belzu. Gorriti grew up very poor,...

Popeye’s Buttermilk Biscuit & Sausage Stuffing

Cooking Time: 2 hours
We all have one item that we’d be totally heartbroken to find missing from the thanksgiving table. Mine is stuffing. One year we even had a turkeyless Thanksgiving – no mashed potatoes, no gravy, no pie… but you better believe there was stuffing on that table. I’ve made fig and...