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Ingredient: Large eggs

This is big eggs from chickens

Bolivia: Salteñas

Salteñas originated in the city of Tarija, but are now sold by street vendors all throughout Bolivia – often as a mid-morning snack.  Legend has it that the recipe originated with Juana Manuela Gorriti, an Argentinian woman who later married Bolivian President Manuel Isidoro Belzu. Gorriti grew up very poor,...

Ukraine: Varenyky

Cooking Time: 90 minutes
I’ll start this one with a little fun fact: I never went to my own high school prom, but I’ve been to prom in the Ukraine! The summer after I graduated from high school, I convinced my parents to let me spend two weeks in the Ukraine visiting my best...

Plantain Frittata with Cajun Chicken Sausage

Cooking Time: 90 minutes
Outside of the international cuisine, I’ve not been sharing many recipes in this space as of late.  I don’t see a lot of value add to sharing my version of something you can find elsewhere, so unless I a) made somewhat substantial modifications to the recipe and b) plan to...

Japan: Okonomiyaki

Cooking Time: 30 minutes
I have to tell you, this is one of our favorite recipes on our culinary journey so far.  In fact, this is the only dish to date we’ve made twice – “just to use the leftovers!” I justified.  It’s easy to make, and just so good!  This is a popular Japanese street...

Moldova: Vertuta

Cooking Time: 70 minutes + time for dough to chill
There are many versions of this dish, both sweet and savory.  This one is filled with feta, or more traditionally a salted syr.  To make this pastry, you work the dough by rolling and spinning it until it’s very thin; I found it challenging to get it as thin as intended....

Tunisia: Shakshuka

Shakshuka is a popular breakfast food in Israel.  It’s often thought of as a Middle Eastern dish, but it actually originates in the North African country of Tunisia.  It’s common that the influences of other countries are adopted and you forget where they came from to begin with, only remembering how much you...