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Ingredient: lukewarm water

Bolivia: Salteñas

Salteñas originated in the city of Tarija, but are now sold by street vendors all throughout Bolivia – often as a mid-morning snack.  Legend has it that the recipe originated with Juana Manuela Gorriti, an Argentinian woman who later married Bolivian President Manuel Isidoro Belzu. Gorriti grew up very poor,...

Sweden: Prinsesstårta

Cooking Time: 2 hours 15 minutes
This one holds a special place in my heart, probably because this is how I remember princess cake:     At a small cafe in Stockholm with my dear friends the Abbondantes during what was an amazing galavant across Europe. I remember walking the streets of Stockholm – probably looking...

Moldova: Vertuta

Cooking Time: 70 minutes + time for dough to chill
There are many versions of this dish, both sweet and savory.  This one is filled with feta, or more traditionally a salted syr.  To make this pastry, you work the dough by rolling and spinning it until it’s very thin; I found it challenging to get it as thin as intended....