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Ingredient: raisins

Russia: Pashka

Cooking Time: 30 minutes + at least 8 hours to chill
So, I was trying to decide what to make for Easter, and I started seeing all sorts of Facebook ads persuading me to make Paskha – a Russian Easter dessert typical across many Eastern Orthodox countries. It’s traditionally made during Holy Week using foods forbidden during Lent (dairy, eggs), and then brought to...

Kuwait: Machboos Laham

Cooking Time: 2 hours
I’ve often been asked how I decide which country I’m going to cook from next. It’s usually fairly arbitrary. An ingredient I’m looking to use, a craving, a whim. This week I wanted to get back on the journey. I was researching recipes and discovered that February 25th is the...

Bolivia: Salteñas

Salteñas originated in the city of Tarija, but are now sold by street vendors all throughout Bolivia – often as a mid-morning snack.  Legend has it that the recipe originated with Juana Manuela Gorriti, an Argentinian woman who later married Bolivian President Manuel Isidoro Belzu. Gorriti grew up very poor,...