30 at 30: a bucket list for my thirtieth year on Earth.

My 20’s are officially over, and I’m okay with that.  It was a wonderful decade filled with more milestones and memories than I ever could have imagined – and I’m grateful.  But I can honestly say that other than the fact that I’m really not so fond of even numbers, turning 30 doesn’t bother me one bit.  Thirty is not the new 20.  I’m a smarter, kinder, faster, stronger, more adaptable, confident human than I was at 20 – and for that I’m also grateful.  Also, 30 doesn’t mean the shenanigans are over.  Much to the contrary.  It means you can finally afford even cooler shenanigans.

I decided to make a bucket list for my 30th trip round the sun.  I’ve seen a number of friends do “30 before 30” lists, but I wanted to do things  a bit differently.  I don’t see 30 as a deadline, but as the beginning of a wonderful decade of opportunity.  This list is in no particular order – in fact I intentionally added these items out of order.  This list is quite diverse, ranging from things I could up and do tonight to things I’ll have to chip away at or train for.  It includes things I want to eat, things I want to learn, fitness goals I want to crush, places I want to go  and places and events I’ve always wanted to check out right here in D.C.  The only rule was that it has to be things I want to do rather than things I want to stop doing.  Although I have those too (stop eating Tums like they’re candy just because they taste like candy, stop letting FOMO get the best of me, stop using negative words in the same sentence as my body under any circumstance ever), the focus here is 100% on the positives.  So here goes, it’s going to be a damn good year!

  1. Start a supper club
  2. Get another stamp on my passport
  3. Complete a triathlon
  4. Take a Knowledge Commons class
  5. Try the November Project
  6. Take a class at CHAW
  7. Visit a state I’ve never been to
  8. Take a cooking class at Culinarie
  9. Improve my Spanish
  10. Attend a community meeting
  11. Complete my Master’s degree
  12. Volunteer for a Cooking Matters course
  13. Visit the Anacostia Community Museum
  14. Hire a house cleaner
  15. Go to a professional football game
  16. Check out Vintage Game Night at the Wilson House
  17. Eat Korean food in Annandale
  18. Go to History & Hops at the Heurich House
  19. Read/reread these classics
  20. Pickle veggies
  21. Take a CrossFit class
  22. Get certified in CPR/first aid
  23. Complete an upcycling project
  24. Learn to change a bike tire
  25. Make bibimbap
  26. Visit the Newseum
  27. Take an Orange Theory class
  28. Keep a plant alive
  29. Go to an event at Politics and Prose
  30. Take a Conflict Kitchen virtual cooking lesson


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You aren’t the only one who eats Tums like candy! So does my Bestie Amanda! Hilarious!

I love it! And orange theory is my newest love. It’s a great combination of strength and cardio! Enjoy!!

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