Day 4 Post Whole30: Gluten-Reintroduction

I decided to save my gluten reintroduction for Saturday since I had a couple of social engagements, and I knew being able to eat gluten would make life much easier.  Gluten was also the food group I was the most eager to find out whether would have an effect on me.  And I’m pleased to say… it doesn’t!  Or at least not an affect that I experienced from one day of eating gluten at every meal.

What I’m the most pleased about though, is that the day proved that this whole experience has really taught me to determine whether I really want something; it’s taught me to pass it up if I don’t really want it, but if I do really want it, to have it and enjoy it with absolutely no guilt.  For instance I passed up on champagne, cheese and dessert at the party because I was perfectly content without them, but I had and really enjoyed the parmesan on my pasta and whipped cream on my dessert with zero guilt, even though today was intended to be a gluten-only reintroduction day.  I had my own permission to have a beer if I wanted one, but I didn’t so I didn’t have one because “I should” or because “it’s there.”  For me, learning to do that was the biggest goal of this whole thing.

Pre-Workout Snack: Low-carb tortilla with almond butter and apricot jam.  As soon as I finished, I thought to check the ingredients on the wraps which have been hanging out in my freezer since before I started the Whole30.  Holy moly that list is long!  And included SOY flour.  I didn’t even know that existed.  I decided not to beat myself up and say “screw it, I’ve already messed up!” and just move onward.  Luckily I had no reaction to the gluten or soy, but what a great eye opener on a product totally full of way too many weird ingredients!

Breakfast: Eggs Benedict on an English Muffin without the Hollandaise sauce with a side of fresh fruit, avocado and sliced tomatoes.  Out to brunch for a friend’s birthday brunch, and this dish immediately caught my eye!  Happy to say still no reaction to gluten!

photo 1Lunch: Turkey slider on a wheat roll with mustard, cole slaw, green beans and some fresh fruit and veggies.  Lunch was at my dear friend’s baby shower. I wasn’t too worried about staying “on plan” since I wasn’t sure what would be served, but I found the perfect option for my gluten-reintro day.  Another reminder of how nice it is not to have to think or worry about what I’ll call the “invisibles” (ingredients I can’t see). 

Dinner: Whole wheat penne with chicken, broccoli, marinara sauce and parmesan.  By this point, I had a pretty good idea that my body was just fine with gluten and I really wanted parmesan on my pasta.  So I had it!  Probably the most uncompliant thing I had all day was the spray butter I sprayed all over my pasta!  God, even after reading the ingredient list I can’t say I’m sure what’s in the stuff.  Spray butter is probably a habit I should kick…

photo 2Dessert: Dark chocolate mug cake with coconut and whipped cream.  This was my first real treat post Whole30.  And even though it was gluten day, I really wanted some whipped cream, so I had some!  I did use organic turbinado sugar and agave instead of the Splenda I usually use!  Really trying to avoid the artificial stuff.

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