Drink Up! The Third (and Final!) Day of My DIY BluePrintCleanse

Day three was by far the hungriest day of my cleanse.  This came as a surprise, as most of the juice cleanse reviews I’ve read have said that each day gets easier.  Well, not for me.  I woke up hungry.  I had a few chugs of Green Juice, which powered me through an awesome spin class.  I even made myself to abs class, which happens almost never.  I regularly power through 45 minute spin classes that leave me looking like I just stepped out of a bath tub, but for whatever reason, I just can’t get myself to stay for fifteen minutes of ab work!

Bye Bye Coffee, Hello Green Tea
Bye Bye Coffee, Hello Green Tea

The morning went uneventfully.  Around 12:30, some colleagues invited me to join them for lunch.  Although my lunch was sitting comfortably in a mason jar in the fridge, it looked beautiful out so I decided to join them for a stroll.  This seemed like a great idea until said stroll lead us to We the Pizza.  A.K.A. the worst possible place to be during a juice cleanse.


Oh Buffalo Chicken Pizza, how I adore thee.  Your creamy blue cheese topping.    Your tender boneless buffalo chicken wings.  Your chewy doughy crust (oh how much I miss chewing!)  All drizzled with a flavorful hot sauce.  But I’ll have to pass in favor of Green Juice.  It’s not you, it’s me.

I escaped the temptation and made it safely back to my faithful Green Juice.  Which just as an aside, really is pretty good.  In fact everyone I’ve forced allowed to taste it has been pleasantly surprised.  Even Josh, who sends me bacon-related videos  almost daily, said it wasn’t all that bad.  Anyways, the afternoon went well until about 4:30, when I was all of a sudden starving.  

Luckily, I made a few tweaks (only the beets, no leaves; five carrots instead of two; less ginger) and the C.A.B. turned out much better this time.  I actually enjoyed it.  One thing to know about the C.A.B. (and any juice containing beets): don’t forget that you drank beet juice and call 911 when you see your pee.  Or your poop, although you may not be seeing a whole lot of that while juicing.

Courtney brought home unsalted cashews last night, so I also made cashew milk instead of almond milk this time around.  The cashews absorb much more water than the almonds, and therefore leave a lot less “pulp” behind.  While both are good, I think I slightly prefer the flavor of the almond juice.  I froze my cashew juice for a special treat!

I also made two extra juices!  While my juice cleanse is officially over, I’ve kind of grown to like my juice!  So I made myself a couple for today: a Green Juice and a custom juice: pineapple, green apple, cucumber, lettuce and carrot (YUM!)

Final Thoughts on Day 3: While I’m excited to go back to chewing my food (crunch, crunch, crunch!), I’m definitely going to continue to utilize my juicer!  I’m excited to play around with new juice cocktails.  I’ll post my overall thoughts on the cleanse, as well as my perfected recipes for all of the juices next week, so  stay tuned!

Day 2 of my DIY BluePrintCleanse
Day 1 of my DIY BluePrintCleanse

For background on what I’m doing and why.


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Elizabeth says:

Starting day 1 tomorrow!thank you for the tips and recipes

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