Five fun foodie finds to fuel your Friday

Clean the restrooms, turn up the lights — and 8 other things restaurants should do better
Washington Post food critic Tom Sietsema suggests 10 New Year’s resolutions D.C. restaurants can make to take our dining experience to the next level in 2018 – from clean bathrooms, to honored reservations, to JUST MAKING ME FEEL UNDERSTOOD!

The Ultimate New Year’s Resolution Shopping Guide
Whether you’ve resolved to eat healthier, try new recipes, or bring your lunch to work everyday, Food & Wine has a shopping list that will help you keep those food and cooking-related resolutions this year.

New Year’s Resolutions for a Foodie
Despite kicking it off with “clean out and reorganize your fridge” (which I did recently, by the way. And it took me THREE HOURS. I don’t want to talk about it), Pop Sugar put together a pretty fun list of culinary challenges and foodie experiences to check off your bucket list this year.

15 ways to catch up with friends that aren’t grabbing coffee or a cocktail
This is an older piece but I LOVE IT!  Don’t get me wrong, I love coffee and I love cocktails, but sometimes in friendships we get lazy and use food and drink as a crutch when there are actually so many other things we can do together!  Especially this time of year – when we’re all trying to keep our resolutions to eat healthier and spend less money – it’s the friends who are willing to get creative together that we’re going to see most of.

The Lunch Menu At Prince George’s School Is So Fancy That Reading It Will Wreck Lunch For You Forever
And because we should all resolve to eat like a king… “Freshly prepared fragrant lamb and apricot tagine.” “Authentic freshly prepared coq au vin.” With an alternative fish, vegan, or gluten-free option, of course. What do you mean these weren’t on the menu when you were in school?


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