If you can make it at home, why go looking?

Oh blog, how I have neglected thee.  Between the new job and the end of hibernation season…well, I’ve actually been really busy.  In a good way, there’s been no time for baking and definitely no time for writing about baking.

Anyway, I tried this for the first time one day last fall when I was particularly missing Doc Chey’s Japanese Ginger Salad.  Two and a half years later, living in a city with every culinary option imaginable, I still miss some of my Atlanta restaurants.  I was able to find something similar at Sticky Rice, and came to the conclusion that I really could make it at home.

I should add that the likelihood of me going back to a restaurant and my decisions on what to order are very much based on whether I could make it at home.  Now I miss Willy’s instead. (could not be replicated no matter how hard I tried, so I won’t).

Anyways, all you need is soba noodles, shelled edamame, chicken (I use the pre-cooked and diced from Trader Joe’s, my savior), water chestnuts, spinach and a ginger sesame dressing of choice.  You can also add sprouts, fried wontons, shredded cabbage.  It’s a flexible dish.  The ingredients make about five servings.  I’ve been eating it all week.


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