Just Keep Juicin’: Day 2 of my DIY BluePrintCleanse

I don’t have nearly as much to say about Day 2 because, well, it wasn’t all that different from Day 1.  I woke up at 6:00am grateful for generous night-time Jo, who had been kind enough to save groggy morning Jo a few sips of almond juice to drink before Chisel.  I had plenty of energy to get through my class, although that isn’t saying all that much anymore… the weight-lifting classes at my gym has gone way down hill.

Since it seemed to work yesterday, I drank my juices at about the same times: Green #1 at 7:30, green tea and water at 9:00, P.A.M. at 11:00, Green #2 at 1:00 and Spicy Lemonade at 3:00.  I wasn’t as good about drinking 12 oz of water in between each juice.

Enjoying a book in the courtyard over lunch break with Green Juice #2
Enjoying a book in the courtyard over lunch break with Green Juice #2

I didn’t experience the foggy/light headedness that I experienced on Day 1, maybe because I got out of the office and got some fresh air, or maybe my body is just getting used to this whole livin’ on juice thing.  After work, I headed home and made my next batch of juices.  I’m getting more efficient at it, but even so, it took me an hour to make all six juices and clean up the kitchen.  As I do it, I think “this isn’t so bad, I could keep doing this.”

I tried washing the beets and carrots really well today, but I think I disliked the C.A.B. even worse.  It’s really quite nauseating, worse even than the spicy lemonade (which was better today, since I cut back on the lemons).  I drank as much of the C.A.B. as I could swallow before Courtney and I took the dogs to the park, and then came home and forced down the rest.  I reached for the almond milk pretty quickly, wanting to get the awful taste out of my mouth.  Again, I only wake up once in the night to use the restroom, but this time when I do, I’m feeling woozy and light-headed.  I worry about how I’ll feel when I wake up in the morning.

Final Thoughts on Day 2:  My body feels healthy and strong, for the most part.  I definitely feel like I’m getting enough nutrients.  Courtney, however, is another story.  I fear what would happen to that boy if I ever stopped cooking.  His dinners have consisted of Kraft macaroni and cheese, foot long hot dog and lemonade from Costco, canned beef stew and really burnt cookies from a tub of pre-made cookie dough.  Our diets right now are quite literally a case study in complete opposites.  Not to worry though, this liquid supper will not be permanent.  I can see replacing one meal a day with fresh juice, but it certainly won’t be dinner!

Day 1 of my DIY BluePrintCleanse
For background on what I’m doing and why.


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Very interesting! From what I’ve heard everyone pretty much agrees that the almond drink is the best! I think if I stopped cooking, my boy would just eat peanut butter and jelly every day!

It’s pretty delicious! Especially frozen… Although a lot more work/$ than just buying almond milk! … I’d like to say he’d miss my cooking horribly, but he sure seems to enjoy Kraft Mac & Cheese…

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