Macarons: Do Not Try Them At Home

Some things, I’d venture to say most things, are even better when made at home.  Fig Newtons, Shamrock Shakes, Burrito Bowls.  But there are some that should really be left up to the experts (Girl Scout Cookies!)  Yesterday, macarons were added to the list of “don’t try this at home.”

Okay, so maybe some people can try these at home.  Joanne, for instance, my foodblogging buddy over at Eats Well With Others.  She is an expert at macarons.  It was her dreamy PB&J macarons that had me wanting to try them to begin with.

Joanne's Dreamy PB&J Macarons. Photo credit, recipe credit and all other credit to Eat's Well With Others!
Joanne’s Dreamy PB&J Macarons.  Photo credit, recipe credit and all other credit to Eat’s Well With Others!

Seriously, look at those.  I’ve thought about them since she made them for Leftovers Club over a year ago.  If she opened a store, I would definitely buy those. And her ginger macarons with pumpkin bourbon butter cream.  I would buy those too. All of them.

Anyways, I recently signed up to bring treats to a bridal shower at work, and thought these would be a lovely thing to share!  I probably should have taken it as a sign when shortly before rushing out of book club at 8:00pm to start thinking about making macarons, I got a fortune cookie that said some junk about patience and not so subtly scoffed about it, that maybe macarons aren’t for me. But I’m not that reasonable, I like to learn the hard way.

My macarons. Don't think they will be coming to the bridal shower.
My macarons. Don’t think they will be coming to the bridal shower.

I can point out a number of things that could have gone wrong…

Egg whites didn’t peak how they should have.

Batter was grainy.

Didn’t realize batter was supposed to be grainy and over beat batter.

Didn’t have a pastry bag to pipe out of, so used a Zip Lock with the corner cut out. 

When the Zip Lock with the corner cut out didn’t make things even, used finger to try to fix.

Tried to make macarons at all, rather than leaving it to a professional.  Or at least someone with patience.

I make many delicious things, but sometimes i just have to admit when something isn’t my strong point.  Some things are too “fussy” for the Messy Kitchen.  The most scrumptiously pretentious cookie of all time is probably one of them.  (Joanne, let me know when you open a shop and I’ll be there!)


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