Meet my new (messy) kitchen!

We some how pulled it off.  At 5am last Wednesday (after staying up until 1:00 enjoying an unbeatable birthday meal of an amazing paella, white wine sangria, homemade honey vanilla ice cream and one last night-cap of Pedro Ximénez) we left Arcos;  20 hours later we arrived in D.C.  By Friday, Courtney had everything moved into our new apartment, and after three Target runs we have the house stocked and (albeit the lack of anything to sit on) we pretty much have things in order.  It’s ‘cozy’, but it’s ours.

You should probably meet my new kitchen…

Notice the absence of a dishwasher. Messiness, inevitable.

Sunday night, we christened it with a pesto seafood pizza:

Delicious meal, despite having to rely on a creative use of seating (who knew Courtney’s guitar bench and stool would come in so handy).

Lila likes being a Hill dog.

Lila has had lots of social opportunity, making an appearance at the Badlands Bombers softball game and the infamous Duddington Place block party, where she gorged on smoked pig.  She’s even taken up the D.C. active lifestyle, joining me for a two-mile jog after work today… that’s a lot for those stubby little legs (referring to Lila).

Thank goodness for storage space.

I should probably mention that I took 1,200+ pictures in Spain, so I hope you’re looking forward to the installments of trip photos…


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