Monday Morning Meet-Up: Soft Ball, Food Trucks and Potato Oles

Friday night, the Bandlands Bombers took to the field for the first time of 2013 for a little preseason scrimmage.  Despite a long winter off of the diamond, the Bombers came out strong, eking out an unofficial victory over a strong opponent.  This came as a bit of a surprise, seeing as the only victories the Bombers claimed last season came as a result of the opponent’s inability to field a full team.  Lila took her usual spot on the sideline, guarding beer while the Bombers were in the outfield.  The pit bull cheer squad grew this year, with Jim making his Congressional softball début.


To celebrate the victory, the team headed over to the Bull Pen for Truckeroo.  While I was too excited to eat my food to photograph it, Courtney and I had a Buffalo Chicken and Blue Cheese Empanada,  a gyro platter with naan, a slice of Buffalo Chicken Pizza and a Red Velvet Cupcake.  Because gorging on greasy food from four different food trucks is clearly a good way to get ones body ready for summer.


Which reminds me, how awesome is this shirt?  I presume the list continues on the back with “Buffalo Chicken anything” and “Thai Food.”


Speaking of putting healthy things in one’s body, Saturday afternoon we headed to the South Dakota State Society’s annual Taco John’s event, the only place you’ll find potato oles east of Ohio.  The Taco John’s in Pierre even provided the spices and taco sauce.  For those of you not familiar with Taco John’s, it’s the Taco Bell of the mid-west (“West-Mex”), and for D.C. transplants, carries a great deal of sentimentality.  Despite our East Coast roots, Courtney and I stuffed ourselves with a totally unreasonable amount of deed fried potato (so fried, in fact, that even Courtney approved).  The only thing missing was the churros!


Sweat Log:
I’ve recently rediscovered boot camp at my gym, and I’ve really been loving the class.  Despite my general “exercise introversion,” I enjoy the camaraderie of this particular class, and the way that the team-orientated nature holds you accountable to show up and work hard.  Expect to see a lot more boot camp in the sweat log.

On Sunday, Courtney and I finally checked out the free pool at the Rumsey Aquatic Center near Eastern Market.  It was super simple: show your D.C. ID, rinse off and hop in the pool to swim laps!  I like that the lap swimming is broken into “slow” “moderate” and “fast” lanes, preventing the intimidation I might otherwise feel as I flap around doing my pathetic version of the breast stroke.  I can’t believe I’ve lived within walking distance of the pool for almost three years and never utilized this awesome free resource!  Courtney and I definitely plan to start adding lap swimming to our weekly routine.

Workout Recap
Monday: 4 mile run
Tuesday: Cycling
Wednesday: Boot Camp
Thursday: Cycling
Friday: Rest
Saturday: Chisel
Sunday: Boot Camp and swimming

Goals for Next Week
Monday: Boot Camp
Tuesday: Cycling
Wednesday: Boot Camp
Thursday: Cycling
Friday: 4-6 mile run
Saturday: 4-6 mile run
Sunday: Rest


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