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Adjust Servings:
48 cookies biscuit cookies you want something similar to Selga (google image it)
1 cup coffee or milk I used a blend, but if you like coffee flavor, I recommend using just coffee
750 g sour cream full fat; I used European style from Wallaby
1/4 cup granulated sugar
1 cup raspberries
dark chocolate shavings to garnish

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Estonia: Küpsisetort

Estonian Cookie Cake

  • 30
  • Serves 16
  • Easy




After making the campfire cake, I needed a break from complex baking projects but still wanted to participate in this month’s Bakeolution. When I found this Estonian layered cookie cake, which requires no baking and minimal ingredients, I knew it was just the thing. Traditionally made as a back to school treat for the kiddos, it was also perfectly on theme for September!

The biggest challenge turned out to be finding instructions in English.  I had initially found this recipe, but wanted to incorporate the raspberries found here and here.  While challenging to follow, Google Translation made a good 20 minutes of read aloud entertainment.

“To start with, I made a large cup of kidnapping coffee. I squeezed the raspberries, and when I was drawn into coffee, I rubbed it. Now, I dipped one-way biscuits one by one into the coffee, allowing them to draw them for 5-10 seconds depending on the heat of the coffee. Then I urged the cookie coffee cup to the fork and scooped the base. I did so as long as the cookies on the whole floor had been so baked.”

Do ya follow?  And where do I come by this kidnapping coffee?

Also translated from the post: “Because if I say a bear , you say your  pants … right?”

Right.  Now I want to learn Estonian, just so I can understand what she was actually saying.

The second challenge was finding the right cookies.  You can use pretty much any square or rectangle biscuit cookie (ideally something like this), but after two stores the closest thing I could find had a chocolate piece on top.  While it worked – and let’s be honest, chocolate makes everything better – the hard chocolate layer made it difficult to cut/fork cleanly, and likely had a different effect then were the layers fully integrated.

One mistake I made was thinking I could soak an entirely layer of cookies at once.  DON’T DO THIS.  They will disintegrate and you will find yourself desperately trying to scoop the cookies out of the coffee/milk because you only bought exactly the right amount.  Somehow it worked out, but take it from me: dip your cookies one at a time!



Dip the cookies in the coffee/milk ONE AT A TIME. Place on your cake plate side by side, creating a 3 x 4 rectangle.


Mash raspberries in a small bowl. Combine with sour cream and sugar.


Spread 1/3 of the sour cream over the cookies. Layer with the next layer of soaked cookies, followed by cream, cookies, cream, cookies. You should have four layers of cookies total.


Shave chocolate over top. Chill until ready to serve.


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2 Comments Hide Comments

Marjete03 says:

I will quarantine that doesn’t taste like an Estonian biscuit cake at all. I’m Estonian and ill share the secret with you. You went horribly wrong with the biscuits, which really makes or breaks the cake. Find a polish shop near you and buy Selga biscuits (I like to layer mine toffee flavour ones and one layer of chocolate ones).
I don’t know which recipe did you use but sour cream is a no-no. It’s originally supposed to be a cream of card, which is very similar to yoghurt but thicker and more textured and just amazing but cannot be found here in UK. I mix one part of cream cheese, whipped cream, a bit of vanilla, sugar, a bit of lemon juice and crushed strawberries.
Layer it all, decorate with crushed milk chocolate bits and strawberries.

Thanks for the tips!

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