SNAP Challenge Day 6: I’ve Got Time On My Side

This post is part of a series.  Read post onepost twopost threepost fourpost fivepost six, and post seven.

I’ve talked a good bit about the advantages I have and the luxuries I enjoy that make it easier for me to eat healthily on $33.79 a week.  And really, there are a lot of them.  But there is one luxury that is far and away more significant than the rest: time.  I’m lucky to only have to work one job.  I work just five days a week, and far more nights than not I’m out the door by 6:00.  This means the nights and weekends are mine to do as I please.  I don’t have kids, I’m not in school.  If my life feels busy, it’s of my own accord.

Time has been vital to this challenge.  Meal planning takes time, strategic grocery shopping takes time, cooking takes time.  It’s much faster to simply grab pre-packaged “heat and eat” meals, but they’re going to be more expensive and less nutritious.  And without careful planning and shopping, it’s nearly impossible to stretch your benefits the entire month and still eat healthy.

The catch 22 is that many of the folks who rely on these benefits the most have the least time.  It is a myth that SNAP recipients are largely unemployed.  There are strict work requirements to receive benefits, and the overwhelming majority of SNAP recipients who can work do so.  The fact is, many work minimum wage jobs and the minimum wage in this country is often not enough to cover all necessary expenses and still put food on the table.  Many SNAP recipients don’t work the regular hours I enjoy, but instead have an irregular work schedule or work the night shift.  Some are working two jobs or working while attending school.  76% of SNAP households include a child, an elderly person, or a disabled person, meaning that the head of household is often playing the role of caretaker on top of their regular job.  So before you say “why can’t recipients just plan meals carefully, shop smart and cook healthy meals at home instead of buying pre-packaged foods?” think about the reality of trying to do that while balancing two kids and two jobs.  Time and energy are finite resources.

Meal Log:

Pre-Workout Snack: 1/2 Banana and 1 T Peanut Butter

Breakfast: Two eggs scrambled with broccoli, peanut butter and jelly toast, apple slices
I was really craving fruit this morning, so I finally cut into that last apple I’ve been hoarding.


Lunch: Leftover Thai Coconut Lentil Curry, broccoli and cauliflower stems, banana shake
Although I really do like this lentil curry, after five days the prospect of eating it for lunch again was downright depressing.  I’m also down to just broccoli and cauliflower stems for veggies.  I was in desperate need of a treat, so I made myself a banana shake with banana, water and ice.


Dinner: Leftover Curried Cauliflower and Chickpea Stew and a slice of bread
I won’t make you look at another picture of this stew!


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