Takeout Tuesday, Snow Day Edition!

What started in July as an effort to make sure my friend Phil experienced Toki Underground while avoiding the wait has become quite the tradition among our little group of friends.  The food has run the gamut (ramen, hot dogs, pizza, pie and Chinese), but we’ve met nearly every month to eat, drink and be merry… on a budget.  Since Phil is back in town this week…


…we made sure to plan a Takeout Tuesday while he’s here.  This is the second Takeout Tuesday in a row that’s ended up being on a snow day (maybe I should schedule February’s on a day I don’t want to work?), and we even got some sledding in before the festivities!

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And thanks to the snow day, I had plenty of time to make snacks this month.  I would be so fat if I were a stay at home mom.  My day consisted of cook, eat, repeat.

Cheesy Brussels sprout dip with homemade rye chips.
Cheesy Brussels sprout dip with homemade rye chips.
Cannellini bean crostini with olives and anchovies.
Cannellini bean crostini with olives and anchovies.
Kelly's homemade "snow day" bread with spicy soppressata.
Kelly’s homemade “snow day” bread with spicy soppressata.
Chocolate chunk coconut chai cookies.
Chocolate chunk coconut chai cookies.

Despite the blanket of snow, the crew came out in full force.

IMG_4653 IMG_4674Unfortunately, the same could not be said of Sweet Green, where we’d planned to order our takeout.  Luckily Nooshi came to our rescue, and had our delivery to us in no time!  We decided to go “family style.”

IMG_4664 IMG_4667 IMG_4662 IMG_4665Despite the snow, my Cards Against Humanity expansion pack arrived just in time!

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