The Best Thing Since Sliced Bread

Actually, this naan will probably have you asking, “what’s so great about sliced bread, anyway?”  Let me count the ways it’s better…

First: how many times have you wasted part of a loaf of bread?  You always  run out of sandwich meat first, and then half your loaf sits until it’s moldy and hard, despite your highest intentions to make toast.  This naan can be made to order, so no more waste!

Second: look at those warm, pillowy slices of naan… just check out the crispy bubbles!


Third: when was the last time you whipped out the Wonder Bread to serve at at dinner party?

Fourth: this naan isn’t just guest-worthy, but it’s also incredibly versatile.  It can replace your buns, tortillas and dinner rolls.  You can eat it with any curry or stew.  It can be the base of a gyro, taco or wrap.  We’ve even been enjoying it as a bun for our newest veggie burgers!

Fifth: two words: bread ends.

Sixth: you can make it with ingredients you already have in your cupboard, which means no trips to the corner store when you forget to make a side dish or buy bread.  This also makes it incredibly cost worthy.

I haven’t sold you yet?  Well, just try it.

Banana Naan

From NeverHomemaker


Don’t let the title fool you.  This isn’t banana flavored naan.  It’s simply naan made with bananas.  The banana taste doesn’t come through, they simply impart a subtle sweetness to the bread.  


  • 1 mashed banana
  • 1 package active dry yeast
  • 1 cup warm water
  • 2 to 3 cups flour (I used a combination of white and wheat, but you can certainly use either)
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt, or more to taste
  • Fresh herbs or curry powder, if desired
  • Coconut oil for frying (or your oil of choice)


  1. Whisk together the yeast, banana, and water. Let froth for five minutes.
  2. In a medium bowl, whisk together the flour and salt (and herbs, if you’re using them). ***Flour measurement varies. Start with 1 cup and add as necessary.  I ended up needing nearly the entire 3 cups.
  3. Pour the wet mix into the dry and combine with a spatula. Then knead for a few minutes with you hands. You may need to add a tablespoon (or so) of warm water.
  4. Form a nice, elastic ball and lightly oil your medium bowl. Cover and let rise for 30 minutes.
  5. Divide into eight balls.  Flatten each on a lightly floured work surface.  Roll out each ball until it is about 5 to 6 inches in diameter.
  6. Heat coconut oil in a frying pan over high heat.  When hot, cook pieces one at a time, flipping once or twice and pressing down a bit with your hands or a utensil as needed. Salt it desired.  Cook until golden.


Yield: 8 Pieces



6 Comments Hide Comments

[…] A and Potassium, and under a gram of fat per serving. And thanks to Johanna’s recent post for Naan Bread recipe, on Notes from a Messy Kitchen, I had a perfect pairing for a fulfilling […]

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