The Culinary Journey Continues! A Recap of Month Five

58 down, 138 to go

As the warm weather has arrived and travel has picked up, the pace of our culinary journey has slowed decisively.  As I find each summer, all I want to cook is simple veggie and protein dishes that don’t take much thought or time near a warm oven – particularly since our air conditioner is once again on the fritz!  While we tried recipes from seven countries, I cooked new global cuisines on only three separate occasions – the rest of the time we stuck to easy favorites (like this one!)  We did make a few new discoveries that are sure to be regulars in the rotation (stuffed peppers!), and had a very successful Supper Club.  Looking forward to what delicious discoveries the next month brings!

This month we went to: Libya, Macedonia, Senegal, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, and The United Kingdom

Top Three: 

3. Ful Madames (Sudan)
2. Thieboudienne (Senegal)
1. Polneti Piperki (Macedonia)

Most Visited Continent: Africa



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