Whole30, Day 16

According to the Whole30 Timeline I should be feeling:  Tiger Blood! Your energy is through the roof, you’ve kicked the cravings, you’re experimenting with new, delicious food, and you’ve finally got the time to notice that your clothes fit better, your workouts are stronger, and you are generally more awesome.

How I’m feeling: Pretty good today, but definitely no tiger blood.  I’m getting pretty skeptical that I’ll experience that.  Maybe it’s because I just don’t drink the Kool Aide?  Oh well, my pants are looser and my food is awesome, so there’s that!

Pre-workout snack: 1/2 banana and 1 T almond butter

Meal 1: Three eggs scrambled with spaghetti squash and chicken sausage with a side of zucchini

photo 1 Meal 2: Thai Turkey and Zucchini Meatballs with Broccoli

photo 2

Pre-workout Snack: 1 boiled egg mashed with 1/4 avocado and Frank’s Red Hot!

Dinner: Paleo Pad Thai



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