Whole30, Day 18: The Teetotaler in the Room

Last night I had yet another challenge of my willpower as my Impassioned Brewers United club met to taste delicious amber ales.  And let’s just say that being the teetotaler in the room is not a role I’m used to.  I like my beer.  But last night I found myself being out drank by a fetus.  Still, I had a really good time with friends and it’s always nice to be reminded that alcohol isn’t required for that!

While I couldn’t partake in the beer tasting, I was able to take part in the snacks!  Alex was kind enough to make several Whole30 approved appetizers: zucchini hummus with fresh veggies and deviled eggs with avocado filling.  And I made paleo sushi with cauliflower rice to add to the mix.  While I stayed 100% compliant, I was a little disappointed with myself for breaking the “no snacking” rule.  Last night I made myself a plate of food, but then found myself repeatedly refilling it and reaching for more.  Sure, that’s no problem when you’re eating 95% vegetables, but that isn’t usually the case.  I have a bad habit of grazing at social events, and one of the primary goals of my Whole30 was to develop more mindful eating habits.  Clearly it’s something I need to keep working on.

Ironically, I ended up with a far worse stomachache from the mass amount of vegetables than I usually do when I drink beer!  Lesson learned: vegetables bad, gluten good.  I think my next Whole30 might have different rules!

According to the Whole30 Timeline I should be feeling:  Tiger Blood! Your energy is through the roof, you’ve kicked the cravings, you’re experimenting with new, delicious food, and you’ve finally got the time to notice that your clothes fit better, your workouts are stronger, and you are generally more awesome.

How I’m feeling: Had a good amount of energy again today.  Got in two good workouts.  Still no tiger blood though, or drastic changes in mental clarity.

Pre-workout snack: 1/2 banana and a bit of almond butter

Breakfast: Sweet potato and chicken sausage hash with two fried eggs, avocado and steamed broccoli

photo 1Pre-workout snack: 1 boiled egg and a bit of almond butter

Lunch: Thai turkey and zucchini meatballs with steamed broccoli

IMG_5192Dinner: Paleo (cauliflower rice) sushi with smoked salmon, avocado and veggies; deviled eggs with avocado filling; zucchini hummus with fresh veggies

photo 3

A mostly paleo spread of snacks!
A mostly paleo spread of snacks!  Except no cookies for Jo.
Oh, and sadly this could not be paleofied.
Oh, and sadly this could not be paleofied.


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