Whole30, Day 29(!)

According to the Whole30 Timeline I should be feeling:  It’s almost over what am I going to eat now?!?!? The rules have been your backbone, your lifeline, your excuse for being “that person” in social situations. Are you just going to give them up on day 31? No. You firmly resolve that there will be no deviation on day 31.

How I’m feeling:  Well, yes and no.  I can’t wait to not have to be “that person” in social situations, and there certainly will be deviations in the coming days.  But my desire to deviate from the Whole30 is much less that I ever would have expected it to be on day 29.  In fact, as I planned meals for this week it took much more thought to plan how to deviate from the Whole30 in order to begin reintroductions than it has taken to plan my meals the last couple weeks.  With the exception of no longer being bound by trace ingredients in food items, I expect we will continue to eat very similarly to how we have been when we’re at home, simply because we love the food so much.  I plan to reintroduce dairy on Day 31, yet when I went to the ice cream aisle to pick out a treat for that night, I discovered I really didn’t want ice cream and kept on walking.  Instead, the very first thing I plan to “cheat” with on Wednesday is a bit of this homemade paleo creamer in my coffee in the morning!

Breakfast: Curried Ground Pork Frittata with Brussels Sprouts and Sliced Tomato


Lunch: Moroccan Chicken with Asparagus and Sweet Potato with Almond Butter


Dinner: Shrimp, Chicken and Sausage Jambalaya



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