Why I Don’t Go to the Dentist After Lunch

You probably think this is going to be a story about me embarrassing myself by eating a ton of garlic right before my dentist appointment and causing the poor woman to pass out.  You’re wrong.  I avoided my favorite stinky bulb at lunchtime, and even brushed my teeth.  I was not to blame for any stinkiness that may have ensued.

The dental hygienist has me lay down in the chair and promptly informs me, “I’ve got the gas.”  I look at her quizzically.  Do they really knock people out for cleanings these days?  Unfortunately, she’s not talking about laughing gas, although I do struggle to keep a straight face.  “The gas,” she explains, as if it’s obvious.  “I get it every day after lunch.  It must have been something I ate.  I try to eat the same thing every day so this doesn’t happen.  I guess it must have been the chips.”  Not knowing what to say or how to respond, I finally decide that my only option is to try to relate.  “Yeah, happens to me when I chew gum.”

She walks over and stares at my chart for a while.  “Do you go to the gym?” she asks.  Perhaps being physically active cancels out the fact that I haven’t been to the dentist in eighteen months? Nope, this isn’t about my medical history.  “I get the gas when I go to the gym too,” she explains.  “When I’m doing the ab exercises.  Sometimes it takes longer than other times, I guess because it’s higher up.  But it always happens.  I’m just glad everyone wears headphones.  That way I’m all set, as long as it’s not stinky.”  I sit in the chair, unable to believe that ten minute into my appointment we are still on the subject of her flatulence.  I have met my match.

I leave, happy that I don’t have any cavities.  But first, I make an appointment for my next cleaning.  This time before lunch.


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