Meet the Juices: How to do Your Very Own DIY BluePrintCleanse

As many of you know, last week I did a three day Do it Yourself Blue Print Cleanse, making all of my juice from scratch in my new Breville juicer (read my summaries of day 1, day 2, and day 3 here).  Overall, I really enjoyed the cleanse.  I felt like I was treating my body right with all of the vitamins and minerals in the ridiculous amount of fresh produce I was juicing each day.  I also found that I had a good deal of energy.  I was waking up before my alarm and having good morning workouts.  It made me wonder whether gluten and all the crap in the processed food I eat causes fatigue that I’ve come to accept as the status quo.  I hadn’t weighed myself since the batteries on my scale broke several months ago, but out of curiosity I replaced them right before the cleanse.  I didn’t do this cleanse for weight loss, but because I’m sure some of you are curious, over the three days, I lost five pounds (I’m sure that this was mostly water weight, because I’ve since found it).

The cleanse itself was not that bad physically.  I rarely felt hungry or lethargic as I feared might be the case.  But I did miss the experience of eating.  I missed the pleasure of sitting down to a homemade meal with my husband, or walking up to Barracks Row after work to enjoy a cocktail and some appetizers.  In some ways I think my life revolves too much around the experience of eating, so in that regard this cleanse might have also been good for me.  It refocused me on consumption for nutrients rather than consumption for entertainment.

Moving forward.  Since finishing the cleanse, I have found myself actually craving the juices on a regular basis.  I plan to continue to incorporate them into my regular diet (particularly the green juice and a custom juice I have been making with carrots, apples, lettuce and cucumber).  I also plan to continue to remain aware of what I’m putting in my body.  I don’t think I will ever fully give up bread or meat or cheese or beer, or anything for that matter (except fake sugar… I would like to give up fake sugar).  But when plant-based, whole foods are an equally appealing option, as they so often are, I will make it a point to choose them.   I want processed foods and animal products to become the exception, not the rule.


Anyways, I have heard from many of you who like the idea of a juice cleanse, but like me don’t want to drop $250 for three days worth of juice, so I wanted to share the recipes so you too can do the Blue Print Cleanse at home.  I found many different recipes around the web to clone the BPC juices and I’ve combined and tweaked them.  What I’m sharing with you is the final product after my three days of trial and error.  Enjoy!

Here are the basics:  It’s three days long.  During those three days, you drink six juices a day in the following order:  Green Juice, P.A.M. (Pineapple, Apple, Mint), Green Juice, Spicy Lemonade, C.A.B. (Carrot, Apple, Beet) and Cashew Juice.  It is up to you what time you drink each juice, and this will vary widely based on your schedule.  There are a couple of things you may drink to supplement your juices: green tea and filtered water.  BluePrintCleanse recommends that you do three days of preparation pre-cleanse, phasing out meat and grains and take five days to phase food back into your normal diet: first fruit, then veggies, then legumes, and finally meat and dairy.  Good luck with that.

First, you’ll need to head to the grocery store.  Here’s a complete grocery list for a three-day cleanse. shopping list  

 I do not recommend making all three days’ worth of juices at once, as theywill not be fresh by the third day.  However, you can certainly make the juices the night before.  I often make my first four juices the night before, and then the next evening make my last two juices for that day and the next four juices for the following day.  Mason jars are an excellent way to store them.  Each of the recipes below are for one juice.  

Green Juice: Green juice is a combination of celery, cucumber, kale, romaine, spinach and green apple.  Basically a really leafy salad in liquid form (minus the croutons, feta and ranch dressing).  I actually really grew to love it.  If following the BluePrintCleanse, green juice is the first and third juice you drink each day. IMG_2471 Green juice

P.A.M.: P.A.M. stands for Pineapple, Apple and Mint, which is exactly what is in this juice.  Aside from your evening nut juice, this is definitely the dessert of your juices.  I also think it would be really fabulous with rum on ice.  If following the BluePrintCleanse, P.A.M. is the second juice you drink each day.



Spicy Lemonade: Spicy lemonade is simply juiced lemons with water, a dash of cayenne and a touch of agave nectar.  This one can be a bit difficult to down.  It’s extremely bitter and is similar to drinking straight lemon juice.  I’ve tweaked it a bit already, but if it’s still too bitter, just dilute it with more water.  If following the BluePrintCleanse, this is the fourth juice you drink each day.

IMG_2499spicy lemonade

C.A.B.: C.A.B. stands for Carrots, Apples and Beets.  This juice also has ginger and lemon for flavor.  You’re supposed to leave the leaves on the beets, but I found the result nearly unbearable.  The flavor is much better with the leaves removed.  If following the BluePrintCleanse, this is the fifth juice you drink each day.



Nut Milk: You can choose what type of nut to use for this juice.  Cashews are used in the BluePrintCleanse, but unsalted cashews are surprisingly difficult to find.  I made it with almonds two of the days, which worked very well.  I actually liked the flavor of the almond milk slightly better than the cashew milk, although cashews to absorb water better.  If following the BluePrintCleanse, this is the last juice you drink each day, your dessert juice so to speak.

IMG_2527nut milk


125 Comments Hide Comments

This is a fantastic rendition if the BPC… very helpful!!! Thanks so much!

You mentioned the spicy lemonade was super bitter – are you making sure to skin your lemons? It’s extremely helpful as lemon rind is gag worthy – plus unless organic it’s full of pesticides & waxes, likewise with apples, cucumbers etc – peel when not organic. says:

Thanks Becca! The first day I tried peel on one of the lemons, and boy did I learn! Once I removed the skin, I still needed to reduce from 3 to 2, and then it was a little more manageable. I didn’t peel the rest of the fruits and veggies, except of course the pineapple! I think peeling the beet would have made it taste better, but it’s already so time consuming with peels on! Good point about the chemicals though…

Hi Becca – amazing post! thank you! Looking at your complete shopping list – how many juices did this yield? Looking to juice for myself and my boyfriend for a week. says:

Hey Tina, thanks! The list I gave you makes 6 juices a day for three days (for one person). So you will need to quadruple it! Definitely hit up a Costco and buy in bulk, or start out with three days and see how that goes first!

Hey! Great post! One question, did you do the pre-cleanse like BPC suggests? Just curious. Thanks!! says:

Thanks, Fallon! I talk a little bit about prep in this post. In short, I didn’t follow the BPC’s recommendation for a three day “phase out,” but I did “eat clean” the day before, eliminating meat, dairy, grains and coffee.

Kimberly s says:

Can you prepare all 18 jars ahead of time, or is it best to do t the same day? says:

I would not recommend making all 18 ahead of time. What I generally did was make six at a time – each evening I would make the first four for the following day, and the two I planned to consume that evening. You can definitely get away with making all six for the following day the night before, but if you make all eighteen at once, by the third day they will not be fresh.

Hi, did you use roasted or raw cashews? Thanks! says:

Hi Mer, I generally would recommend raw, but either will work!

Hey, your recipes are awesome, I just started my first day. I noticed that there is no “third” drink…am I missing something? Thanks! says:

Thank you! You drink the green juice twice, so that is juice #1 and juice #3. The recipe listed for green juice is for each serving, so you will make two of those each day. Hope that helps!

thanks so much for this!

each juice recipe is for one drink, correct?

example, the green drink it says 5 ribs of celery would that be 5 ribs of celery per green drink? says:

Exactly! Each recipe is for one drink, and the the grocery list is for all of the drinks you will need for a three day cleanse.

Hi! While doing the cleanse, is it okay to drink coconut water such as Zico? says:

The only exception to water that is permitted for additional consumption under the strictest rules of the Blue Print Cleanse is herbal tea and green tea. That said, this cleanse is about YOU and YOUR body. Coconut water is certainly a better addition than many, if you need a little something extra. However, Zico is processed. If you can, I would look for a raw coconut water such as Harmless Harvest (available at Whole Foods).

Thanks for the recipes! I start tomorrow! says:

It’s a great time to do one with all the holiday eating this season! I might just need to do another myself. Enjoy!

Thank you very much! I would like to try these juices, but not as a cleanse! I think 13 years old is a bit too young for a “cleanse”… If not doing a full-on cleanse, what juices do you prefer taste wise, and which health wise?
Thank you! says:

Hi Nikki, I think you are absolutely right! Plus. these juices are a great way to supplement your normal meals with lots of healthy fruits and vegetables. The tastiest is surely the P.A.M., but it is quite high sugar. I have come to love the green juice, and that is probably the healthiest juice. If you want it a bit sweeter, you can add an extra apple. The C.A.B. is also delicious; I have been leaving out the ginger and think I prefer it that way.

Any help with almonds? Soaked well over 8 hours, put in juicer (Jack LaLanne Power Juicer) & received about a Tbs of “juice”. Can’t imagine that’s all I’m to add to the mix.
Thank you! My husband & I begin each year with a fast (more of some things, prayer & Scripture, less of others. No corn, dairy, gluten, sugar). Our 6 week fast begins on Monday using this cleanse as a prep for the fast. says:

Nope, almonds just don’t contain much juice, so you don’t get much out. I recommend putting the soaked almonds in the chute of your juicer and turning it on while slowly pouring the water over them. You will get a bit more from the nuts if you run the pulp through a second time. You can also add some of the very fine ground nut into your juice if you want a bit more texture.

You can put it all in a blender and then you can strain it. It is easier that way.

That definitely doesn’t sound easier to me, but if you prefer that method certainly do it that way!

Kerry dawn says:

I put my cashews in a ninja and use the juice and bits. It’s a bit more protein and more bang for my buck.

Thanks so much for posting these recipes! I’m on day 3 right now. I never thought I would miss chewing so much!

I looked at the original blue print cleanse website and their ingredient page lists parsley in the green juice. I think it would make a wonderful flavor addition. Did you maybe forget that one? says:

I didn’t forget — I just made based the recipes on my tastes and since I don’t love parsley all that much, I figured it was one less thing to buy! Let me know how it impacts the flavor if you try a batch with parsley!

Matt Fisher says:

I finally finished the Three-day cleanse!
My overall Body is better now!

Great post!!!

Question about the mint—did you use the entire container for that one juice? says:

No, the container is enough for the three-day cleanse (three juices). You can of course use more or less mint according to your taste.

Do you think I can use sunflower or pumpkin seeds instead? I’m allergic to nuts. says:

Now that is a good question. I’ve never seen sunflower milk or pumpkin seed milk sold as a product like you do almond milk and cashew milk. But you could certainly try! Be sure to use unsalted, and let me know how it works out!

Is the mint required for the P.A.M. juice or is it just for flavor? My grocery store doesn’t carry fresh mint. I live in a rural area so I don’t have the option to shop around. Thanks! says:

Nothing in this juice cleanse is required! It sounds like your best option is make it without the mint.

How much mint to you use for one juice?

How much do you like mint? I usually use 1/3 of a package, because I’m making three juices. Otherwise a small handful will do. None of these are an exact science, it’s all to taste.

Thanks for sharing this! I’m planning to do the cleanse over the weekend. I noticed you drank Kombucha over the three days. Is there a reason why? Did ou find it helpful?

Hi Heather! Glad you found this helpful. I actually didn’t drink Kombucha, and it would not be considered part of the cleanse. I just re-used old Kombucha bottles to bring my juices to work! Enjoy your cleanse!

First, thank you so much for the shopping list & recipes! I was going to order the juices & could NOT justify the cost!!! You are awesome!
Second, how often can I do this? Twice a month?
Third, did you lose weight? I am guessing if you did it was water weight & returns quickly.
Lastly, I stick to low glycemic. What can I substitute for the agave & pineapple?
I hope to start this next week!

Hi Kelly! I’m so glad you found the post helpful, and I hope you enjoy the juice cleanse! First off, you can really do it as often as you like. Twice a month would certainly be fine. As for weight loss, I lost physical pounds on the scale, but it’s not sustainable weight loss. In fact, my concern with doing the cleanse too often would be metabolic damage. This is definitely not intended as a diet. Last, for any of the juices you can’t or don’t want to drink, you can substitute an extra of one of the other juices. So you could substitute an extra green juice for the P.A.M. (I cry for you a bit though, because the P.A.M. is fabulous!) For the agave, you would have to just eliminate it. I’ve substituted maple syrup and honey, but that doesn’t help when it comes to a low glycemic diet. Hope this helps!

Do your recipes produce 16 oz. worth of juice? Thanks for the help

Thereabouts. It’s going to depend on the size of your fruit/veggies, among other factors.

Would the end result be the same if you ran the soaked nuts with the water through your blender? I hear that the juicing process with the nuts can be quite messy. Also, would the cleanse be adversely changed if I added lemon and ginger to the green juice?

It would be different – you would be consuming the nut pulp, which is left behind in the juicer. Essentially like if you did smoothies instead of juices. As for the green juice, lemon is already in it and you could certainly add ginger!

Thank you. Yes, lemon is in the green juice, and I will add more, along with ginger. I am on Day 1, Juice 2. Not hungry at all. I will use less mint for tomorrow’s juice. It’s all a matter of individual taste. Thank you for providing these recipes. The shopping list was extremely appreciated.

Oh my! First attempt at making the nut milk. Let’s just say that I know where you got the name “… a Messy Kitchen.” Pieces of cashew went everywhere. I ended up putting all the ingredients into the Ninja and although it’s gritty, it was all contained in the processor. I am currently drinking CAB, which is yummy. The others were, also. Cashew milk after yoga class. Thank you, again.

Yes! It is a super messy process (glad to know it’s not just me!) So happy you’re enjoying the juice cleanse!

Has anyone tried the other versions of the BP Cleanse? It looks like they use the same juices, eliminating the CAB and adding more green. Right?

I haven’t,I love the PAM and CAB too much! It’s the same juices, the “Foundation” just replaces the CAB with a green juice, and the Excavation replaces the PAM and the CAB with a green juice.

Question about the lemons – in the shopping list it says 10 lemons. But if i understood it correctly; you only use two “real” lemons in each Spicy lemonade juice. And that would be a total of 6 lemons, right?
And I saw your answer on the question about mixing the cashewnuts, instead of juicing them. Would it be bad to consume the pulp?
And thank you very much for posting this!!

Good catch! I was initially using more lemons in the Lemonade, but it was just too much.

As for the nut pulp, it’s certainly not bad to consume nut pulp! In fact, it has lots of nutrients. However, consuming the pulps of any of your juices is going to require more of your digestive system than consuming just the juice. The BPC folks claim that taking away the work of digesting food “allows the system to rid itself of old toxins while facilitating healing” and that “the benefits of a cleanse will be lost if you eat solid food in addition to the juices. The idea of a cleanse is to only consume the juice so that your digestive system has time to rest.” So if you buy into that, you probably don’t want to consume the pulp.

Thank you so much for posting these recipes! I just did the 3-day Blue Print Cleanse last week and loved it. Of course, I can’t spend that kind of money on a regular basis, so I set out to fin the recipes and ran across your blog. I will be trying these out this week.

You will have to let me know how it compares to the real BPC! I still would love to try it someday, I just can’t justify it now that I’ve invested in a juicer!

okay so call me crazy but my PAM juice is only full to one third of what it should be. do you think the fruit i am using could be too small?

I would guess that it is the size of your fruit. The apples I used were VERY large apples from Costco. If you’re using small apples, use two. The P.A.M. does produce the least juice and sometimes did not entire fill my 16oz jar, but always at least 3/4 full! You can always add some filtered water, as it is quite sweet.

Anny Sanders says:

Would it be okay to blend everything in my Vitamix instead of using the juicer?

It would certainly be okay! It wouldn’t be a juice cleanse, but I bet it would still be delicious and nutritious!

[…] days worth of juice?! I decided to take the more cost effective route and do it myself. I found an awesome food blog with instructions and even a shopping list for juice based on the BluePrintCleanse. However, if you […]

I want to thank you so much for printing these recipies! It is the evening of a 3 day cleanse and I am proud to say I was able to complete this at a fraction of the cost! I will update you with my total weight loss but it is about 5 lbs. The drinks tasted even better than when I did the original BPC
Thank you so much!

Joan, I’m so glad you found the recipes helpful and the juice delicious! Awesome results!

I mentioned I would get back to you with m otal weight loss. This morning I was own 7 lbs! While I think it was water weight, I am hoping to revamp my eating and incorporate at least one of your receipes daily. Thank you so much for the inspiration! Joan

That’s awesome Joan! While juice cleanses are certainly not a long-term weight loss/maintenance plan, they can be a good kick start to healthy habits! And I absolutely love that you’re going to make one of my recipes each day! Please report back as you do 🙂

My daughter found that BPC came out with three new juices. Have you tried repeating the recipes for those?

I hadn’t even realized there was a new juice! All I’m seeing on their website is the Gingerade (lemon, lime, ginger, agave). I would make it very similarly to the lemon cayenne, but replace the cayenne with juiced fresh ginger!

You can google Blueprint juice Orange, Grapefruit, Lemon. There is also Kale Apple and Lemon and Carrot and Lemon.

Also when making the P.A.M. do you add any filtered water. I tried making it and it definately did not make 16 oz.

Good to know, thanks for the update! I don’t really follow, as I’m not a regular juicer.

How much juice it makes depends on the size of the fruit. If your fruit doesn’t make 16oz, it’s totally up to you whether you want to add filtered water and have more juice, or drink less juice that is slightly more condensed.

Can I used store purchased organic almond milk instead of making my own. If so how much?

I don’t recommend it. If you look at the ingredient list, it is rarely just “almonds and water.”

Just curious to know what kind of a juicer you have? I have always made my own almond milk by blending the ingredients and then straining it through cheesecloth. This method takes way to much time! I know the more expensive juicers can handle nuts while other can’t. Thanks 🙂

I have a Breville BJE200XL Compact Juice Fountain which cost $100 on Amazon. It has no problem with nuts!

Hi Johanna,

Great post, thank you! I was wondering if you used pint or quart sized mason jars?


You’re very welcome! They are 16 oz. Some of the recipes don’t quite fill them up and some you will have a little extra, depending on the size of the produce you use.

I have a Ninja Blender. Will I be able to use it for doing these juices?

You could make these recipes using a Ninja, but if you used a blender instead of a juicer you would not be making juices and it would not be a juice cleanse.

Thank you so much for posting this, Johanna! My husband and I have wanted to do a juice cleanse for a while, but couldn’t justify the cost. On that note – he’s a lot bigger than I am. Is it recommended that we consume different amounts based on our height / weight? Thanks again for taking the time to post this!

The BluePrintCleanse using a “one size fits all” approach, but I don’t necessarily think one size does fit all. I would say that if he’s going to add something, it’s another green juice since that is the most substantive and least sugar-filled. Enjoy!

Very interesting post! What do you think of throwing everything into a blender and making smoothies instead of juicing?

Thanks! I’ve actually gotten that question a lot. It will certainly work and would probably still be delicious and very nutritious, but if you used a blender instead of a juicer you would not be making juices and it would not be a juice cleanse. Nothing wrong with that, just putting it out there. On the plus side, higher fiber!

Can you use a nutribullet for the entire thing?

You will definitely find the answer to this in the comments section!

Johanna, Thanks SO SO much for this post, it’s so tremendously helpful. Just a quick question though, regarding your mints, do you juice them all together with your pineapple and apple? I’ve tried juicing it separately (as I forgot to include it in) and it taste so bitter! Not sure if its meant to be juiced or infused?

I juice it all together! I’ve never found it to be bitter.

Hi! I’m not sure if this question was asked yet, but how much did all the fruits and veggies and such cost???

I noticed when I made the pineapple juice, that a third of a pineapple and one apple was not enough to fill even a fourth of a jar? Is the the correct amount or did I miss something? Thanx!

I used a large pineapple and large apples and it always filled my (16 oz) jar at least 3/4 of the way full. Sometimes if it’s not completely full, I add a bit of filtered water.

Thank you so much for this! I’ve printed it out and can’t wait to start it. Love it! Thank you for all the recipes!

Wonderful! I hope you enjoy the cleanse!

First day of the cleanse is today! I am excited to feel the results. One quick questions, how much mint for the P.A.M juice? Thanks

That is sort of up to your discretion. I usually use about 1/3 of the package, or about 1/2 cup of leaves. Enjoy!

Hi there. I did the cleanse and now am experimenting with your recipes. So far I love them. I did notice that comparing the bottle from BluePrint and the green juice recipe, you don’t have parsley or ginger. Is there a reason? I’m trying to figure out how much parsley to add. Ginger, I had a huge chunk just because I love it.

Thanks for taking the time to write up these recipes!

Thank you, so glad you’ve enjoyed them! I left out the parsley because it just didn’t seem necessary and I was already buying so many things! I recommended experimenting with the amount, but starting with a small handful and seeing how it affects the taste!

Hi, i am going to try this! what size jars did you use and did all of the juice fit into the containers?

They are 16 oz mason jars. Generally all of the juice fits in, although batches will vary based on the size of your fruits and veggies. If I have extra, I usually just combine them. I’ve heard from some folks that they come out short on the PAM… if that happens you can just drink less, or you can add some water if you like it a bit less sweet. Good luck!

Thanks for sharing this! I found that if I melt the agave into the filtered water (make a simple syrup of the agave and a tbsp of water) then the lemonade tastes a lot less bitter b/c the agave isn’t falling to the bottom.

Hi great info!
I was wondering if you have a specific schedule on when to drink the juices?
Would like to start tomorrow! Thanks so much.

There is not a specific schedule, rather it is going to depend a lot upon your day. I generally drink one green juice before work, one mid morning, PAM for lunch, lemonade mid-afternoon and the last two after work in the evening. You want to spread them out enough to not feel hungry, and time them to have the highest energy when you need it. Also, make sure to drink at least a glass of water between each.

I am about to try this recipe. Is there alot of pooping?

It did not have that effect on me.

Thank you so much for your recipes! I tried them all and loved them. Most of them had a yield of about 18-20 oz. how long does it normally take you to juice? I took me a few hours, and I was wondering if that was normal or if it was because it was my first time.

So glad you liked the recipes! I usually make the first four in the morning and then the second two at night. I would say it usually takes me about 45 minutes to make all six, including cleaning out between each juice. You will definitely get faster and more efficient as you make them more often!

viridiana says:

hello i was just wondering about how much it costs to buy all these ingredients?

Just wondering, about how many calories a day do these drinks add up to?

That’s pretty hard to estimate without knowing the size the fruits and vegetables or how much of their nutrients are being extracted and how much are left behind in the pulp. The actual BluePrintCleanse juices are as follows:

Green Juice: 110
Spicy Lemonade: 120
PAM: 210
Cashew Milk: 300
CAB: 190

My version is not an exact replica, but this should give you a general idea.

Hi! Thanks for sharing. Do I need to buy 10 lemons and 7.5 oz of lemon juice? Or can I just buy either the lemons or a bottle of juice? Thanks in advance 🙂

Both, the lemon juice is used in the green juice and the lemons are for the lemonade and the C.A.B. Of course, you can use fresh lemons for all of the juices if you like! If you do, I highly recommend peeling them.

I just want you to know I am almost through Day One of your recipes and they are all so delicious. I didn’t find the lemonade to be too bitter, the beet is my second favorite (did you peel the ginger?) and I’m looking forward to trying the almond milk in a few hours. Thank you so much for such a concise, easy to follow post. Cheers!

Veira, I’m so glad you’re enjoying the juice cleanse! I’ve come to love the beet juice, and I think the big difference is that I did peel the ginger the last few times and perhaps used a bit less of it. I think that’s what was throwing off the beet juice for me initially.

Great work! I will definitely try this because a) this seems more fresh b) the BPC Cleanse inventory at my Whole Foods is always special-ordered and even so, it’s a hit or miss and I keep need to change my cleanse dates – a real pain! I had a general question though – are you implying that the BPC Cleanse which has a typical expiry date of a month or less is technically less nutritive than the ones we could make fresh? How do these stay on the shelves for so long?

Thanks, Krish. I hope you enjoy the cleanse! I’m not implying that at all. The only claim I can back up as to why this is preferable to BPC is the cost. Regarding BPC shelf life, a quick google search brought me to a page on their website that says the following:

A: High Pressure Pascalization uses high pressure instead of heat to inhibit microflora growth in fresh food and therefore naturally extend its shelf life. Unlike pasteurization, pascalization is an external process; the raw product itself is never touched. After the products are in their final packaging, our pressurizing method uses only evenly distributed pressure of cool water (44°F) to short circuit any potential harmful invaders, such as Listeria, E. coli, Salmonella, lactic acid bacteria, yeast and mold. Pressure drastically reduces overall microbiological contaminant flora and pathogens, eliminating the possibility of recontamination. Because of the chilled temperature at which the juice is treated, plus the minimal impact that pressure has on the structure of the components responsible for nutrition and flavor, the juice remains raw and the taste remains the same.

Q: Does pressure destroy vitamins, enzymes or nutrients?
A: Because there is so much inconclusive information regarding enzyme activity floating around, we felt the only way to know for certain was to have our juice tested directly. We tested for enzymatic activity in our juice both before and after HPP was applied—the lab result came back: “NO DIFFERENCE.” There is and will continue to be conflicting research on the broader topic of enzyme activity in food after HPP is applied. There are many variables involved, such as the level of pressure applied, the length of time the juice is pressurized, and more importantly, the many different types of enzymes that exist. For our purposes, we identified the specific ones we feel are most critical to our juice, and the test results came back positive for activity.

Krish Krishnan says:

Thanks very much for the detailed reply, Johanna!

I’m off to BB&B now to get my Breville! What a great service you have provided through this forum.

Hi! I’m allergic to celery (I know, super weird, right?) any suggestions about something to replace it with? I’d rather not add a lot of sugar with extra apples.

The key role of the celery is essentially to provide water. I’d replace it with extra lettuce (the kale does not produce much liquid).


These recipes sound like what I need. I want to lose weight and I eat way too much. I need to start doing these juices and stop eating like i’m always hungry.

Ariella Sapoznik says:

We are really excited about this. We spent a ton on vegtables and got our juicer. My husband and I are doing it together. We fasted for over 45 hours yesterday and we had 4 juices and we both have bad headaches. What are we doing wrong?

Ariella Sapoznik says:

I’m sorry. My husband wrote that. He must be really out of it because we only fasted 25 hours. 🙂 We broke our fast on the green juice last night. But still, why are we super hungry and with terrible headaches. Plus we have been drinking a lot of water.

When you say “fasted” do you mean other than the juices? Regardless, dietary changes can cause headaches. Especially with low-calorie diets, low blood sugar is common. This regimen contains few than the recommended minimum calories for healthy dieting.

Ariella Sapoznik says:

We did not eat or drink for 25 hours and went into the cleanse. Looking back on it, I’m not sure it was the healthiest decision. I thought it would have been an easier transition. How often did you juice before you tried the three day cleanse?

I did the three day cleanse right off the bat, but I certainly would never straight fast for 25 hours! Not eating or drinking anything for that period of time is not safe.


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